Hello Again, Monday.

17 Jun

Hello again, Monday. You sure do come around quickly! Why do the weekends have to be so short?

Even though it was a short one (and my little guy was teething and unhappy a lot of the time), we had a good one.

We played at the park on Friday and Saturday…

grass, park, baby

playing, park, grass, baby

outside, sunshine, park, grass, happy, baby

My little man really loves to be outside. Playing in the grass makes his day! 🙂

daddy, Father's day, baby, park, playing

He sure loves his daddy too! We spent the afternoon with my hubby’s family for Father’s Day. It was a nice day. 🙂

I don’t have high hopes of today being a nice day though. I have jury duty. Boo! I hope I get released early!!

judge hand with gavel

photo credit: SalFalko via photopin cc

I sure hope you are nice to me, Monday.

And, I sure hope today and the rest of the week flies by because I am really looking forward to meeting one of my bloggy friends from A Fox & A Wolf on Friday!

How is your Monday going so far? What do you have planned for this week, anything exciting?


4 Responses to “Hello Again, Monday.”

  1. happsters June 17, 2013 at 8:23 AM #

    So weird! I JUST had jury duty last Thursday and my sister-in-law has it tomorrow! Hope it goes smoothly 🙂

    • eatnapplay June 17, 2013 at 9:15 AM #

      Tis the season I guess. Thank you. I hope it does too!

  2. Amy Mayen June 17, 2013 at 8:26 AM #

    Jury duty?!! I have another friend on jury duty this week too! That’s nuts. But you have some sweet guys to come home to:)

    • eatnapplay June 17, 2013 at 9:17 AM #

      Crazy! I guess it’s a busy time if year for the courts or something. I can’t wait to go home to my guys!! It’s so boring waiting around. Lol

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